HEFEST Forensic Engineering has as a reference the investigation method endorsed by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 921, designated as scientific method, which guarantees that the process of obtaining information, the analysis, and the proposal and selection of hypothesis to be done in a regulated way.
Besides facing the investigation with the maximum rigor and technical quality, internal and external precise means are used when necessary to guarantee the correct development of the investigation.
The work starts with the reception by the company of the communication of the accident and the definition of the subject of the investigation. The initial step consists in analysing the available documentation and performing and initial advice to the client.
Then the place if the incident is inspected, gathering all the available information of the accident and documenting its environment.
With the information gathered the possible hypothesis are propose and contrasted with the existing data to establish the final hypothesis.
During all the investigation the client receives preliminary reports with the state of the investigation, until once the investigation has finished a final report with the final conclusions is delivered to the client. If necessary, assistance during the trials is provided, offering consulting services with the lawyer to help prepare the trial, and attending at the hearings as well.