The investigation of fires (Industry, homes, vehicles, boats, machines, forestry, etc.) and explosions require technical knowledge and field experience, that allow us to determine the events that took place with the maximum rigor and technical quality. The investigation team uses the scientific method to reach the case solution in a solid and contrasted way, avoiding false origin points and causes that are really a consequence of the fire. With the objective of being ahead of the curve in the field of fire investigation, we are part of the AIIA (International Association of Arson Investigation) where we take part in programs of continuous formation.
When a product provokes damages, it is necessary to determine if it has been caused by a manufacturing defect or an error in the manipulation, in order to define if the manufacturer is exempt of fault or if is his responsibility, corresponding in this case a compensation to the user for the damages suffered. For this reason, an exhaustive study of the manufacturing process, the distribution chain and the product itself is necessary to determine the origin and cause of the defect.
Discern between a worker negligence and a failure in the prevention of occupational hazards of the company is not an easy task. However, through an exhaustive analysis of the events, the company situation in the health and occupational hazards prevention policies and the conditioning factors in the moment of the accident, thanks to the specific preparation of our personnel in occupational hazard prevention, we have the capabilities to objectively determine the cause.
Establish the cause of a machine failure can be useful both to figure out the responsibility (manufacturer, manipulation, maintenance, etc.) or to take the correctional measures to prevent new failures or accidents. For this reason, we dispose of staff with deep knowledge in mechanical engineering, with the capacity of understand the operation and perform and exhaustive analysis of the machine to determine the cause of the failure.
The study of the materials and its performance can provide useful information to determine the causes of an accident, as well as help detect manufacturing defects or manipulation problems. Establish the damage nature of a material, both in its surface as in the internal structure can help identify if its nature is related with the accident under investigation. This type of study can provide useful information about the circumstances were the damage happened.
Identifying fire hazards and elements that can increase the propagation of a fire are key factors in a successful fire prevention policy. Using our extensive experience in the investigation of cause and origin of fires we offer services of consulting in fire prevention in industry and commerce.
Using the scientific method information will be gathered and a filed inspection will be performed. The next step will be to pose the different possible hypothesis according to the information gathered, and then the different hypothesis are contrasted with the available information to select the final hypothesis and dismiss the rest.
We offer 30 minutes of free initial advice.
Our team has the capacity to lead or be part of the integral management of the investigation, coordinating all the necessary actions.
When presented with a case, we review and analyse all the available documentation and we redact a report with our conclusions.
Our team has the qualification and expertise to act as an expert testimony when it is required.