Forensic Engineering

At HEFEST Forensic Engineering we are a company focused in investigation of accidents with an extensive and recognized experience, among other fields, in the investigation of origin and cause of fires and explosions, machine failures, work accidents and material failure. We use advanced technology to conduct the investigation with the top efficiency for each one of the commissioned tasks, having the capability to use technical means, both internal and external if they are required.

The technical staff proceeds of different engineering sectors with different areas of expertise and extensive experience, with the capability to face with the maximum rigor and technical quality any task entrusted to us.


2009 — Present

HEFEST Forensic Engineering was founded in 2009 and since then it has obtained an extensive and recognized experience in the investigation of origin and cause of accidents.

Our services

HEFEST Forensic Engineering offer a variety of services related with the investigation of the origin of accidents and the causes that had provoked them.

Using the scientific method information will be gathered and a filed inspection will be performed. The next step will be to pose the different possible hypothesis according to the information gathered, and then the different hypothesis are contrasted with the available information to select the final hypothesis and dismiss the rest.

We offer 30 minutes of free initial advice.

Our team has the capacity to lead or be part of the integral management of the investigation, coordinating all the necessary actions.

When presented with a case, we review and analyse all the available documentation and we redact a report with our conclusions.

Our team has the qualification and expertise to act as an expert testimony when it is required.

Research, development
and innovation

With our knowledge and using the means and tools necessaries, we check and corroborate the hypothesis we work with during the investigations, in order to formulate the conclusions that we reflect in our reports.

Meet our experts

Our team of investigators has an expensive experience in this sector that allow us to face with the maximum rigor and technical quality any task entrusted to us. We proceed from several fields of engineering such as industrial, chemistry, telecommunications or aeronautic, with solid knowledge and we keep training to ensure we can offer the best possible service.

CEO, origin and cause investigator

Albert Bartolomé

Origin and cause investigator

Francesc Argilés

Origin and cause investigator

Enric Mumbrú

Origin and cause investigator

Joan Berengué

Origin and cause investigator

Cristian Alegret

Origin and cause investigator

Joan Garriga

Origin and cause investigator

David Rodellar

Office manager

Mònica Molina

Origin and cause investigator

Guillem Sans

Origin and cause investigator

David Pons

Naval and Oceanic Engineer

Carlos Gispert

The seal that endorse
our quality

Management System
ISO 9001:2015
ID 9105076385

Our quality policy

HEFEST Forensic Engineering, organization dedicated to the investigation of the origin and cause of accidents, commits to offer his clients a high level of quality in his services with the objective of fulfil his requirements and needs.

HEFEST Forensic Engineering pretends to be global reference company in the sector through the technological leadership, the quality and the efficiency in his services.

For this motives HEFEST Forensic Engineering has driven the implementation of a Quality Management System based in the UNE-EN ISO 9001 norm in all the organization processes with the objective of:

  • Increase the excellence of the service and the client’s satisfaction, while offering the maximum service quality and obtaining a major fidelity of our clients.
  • To guarantee the fulfilment of the client requirements as well as the legal and statutory requirements applicable to the organization, determining the interested parts relevant to the Quality Management System and the requirements derived of the needs and expectation of the involved parts.
  • Develop internal communication mechanics with the purpose to inform and raise awareness the workers of the policy and the commitments assumed by the company.
  • Have a trained, informed and motivated staff ensuring the competence of the organization workers.
  • Establish the objectives and goals of the organization’s Quality Management System and continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Management System.
  • Establish a periodic reviewing program that allow to optimize the Quality Management System.
  • Transmit the policy to the staff to make it known and understood, and to other parts when it is required.

The Management, as final responsible of the acquired compromises, gives support and reviews the Quality Management System in all the processes, requesting the collaboration and responsibility from the entire organization and providing the human, technical and economic means to achieve it.

HEFEST Forensic Engineering wants to manifest, through this policy, to his interested parts, his convincement that Quality is a key factor in the future of the organization, and as such, it is assumed by the Management and the personnel.

HEFEST Forensic Engineering has carried out and carries out investigations for a large number of companies, law firms, insurance companies and administrations.